Conclusion of the first round of the protocol discussion:
- We want various kinds of ID's to be exchangable.
- some concepts XMPP are explained (Ralph).
- Profile Aggrigator (OpenID)
- Access Privacy (profile, contacts, stuff I own, claim stuff/ publications)
- Migratio n of data/ ownership
- Content discovery/ finding stuff
- Set privacy (noindex, etc)
- Consolidation of data/ profiles
- Personal Messaging
- OpenId - reflection of profiles/ relations
- Referencing accross sites
- Control of representation of copy
- Pingback when your object has been used/ altered.
What to make/ get after this workshop
To be able to 'package' FSN we need to work out some things. (and thing to be published on the website)
- Clear story
- Name of this thing.
- Naming convention
- List of requirements.
- Protocol (needs to thought out for 100%)
- RDF (80%) (data exchange)
- Jabber pubsub protocol + atom publishing protocol.
- Jabber HTTP Gateway
- What 'reference software' will be written first:
- Plugins to communicate with a XMPP gateway
- 'Reading' plugins (connecting and reading from the XMPP gateway)
- 13 december there will be a server online for draft specs, documentation, discussion
- 1st of januari pubsub jabber thingy (alpha)
- 15th januari HTTP Gateway (to play with)
- A bit later in febuari (you know what we mean) reference /demo software mentioned befor to play with.
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