

Page history last edited by Chris Messina 16 years, 9 months ago

Submitted to info at on 1/3/2008


Remove Dock icon


I don't imagine I'm the only person to report this, but I *really* don't like the mandatory Dock icon in version 3.1.0. I like to keep my dock as clean as possible and forcing this on me, in spite of the improved menu options, simply isn't worth it.


Could this be made optional in 3.2.0?




Response received 2008-04-21


Hi, Chris.


Thank you for contacting Objectpark.

I apologize for the delay.


I don't imagine I'm the only person to report this, but I *really* don't like the mandatory Dock icon in version 3.1.0. I like to keep my dock as clean as possible and forcing this on me, in spite of the improved menu options, simply isn't worth it.


The appearance of MCC in the dock is a new function to MCC in the latest 3.1.2 version.

You can turn it of, If you want.

Go to Preference / Display / Advanced. In the bottom you will find the selection "Hide Dock Icon".

But by hiding the Dock Icon the main menu and many keyboard shortcuts will be disabled.


Please let me know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Stephan Park


Stephan Park

Objectpark Software <>


Trierer Str. 72, D-53115 Bonn, Germany

Phone +49 (228) 180 68 68, Fax 180 68 66

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