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Page history last edited by Chris Messina 16 years, 4 months ago

Like web snapper for bookmarks -- cmd-shift-b in safari (though that currently shows/hides bookmark bar) to create new bookmarks then decide where to send it to... Based on bookworm (+ tarpipe).


  1. Download TastyMarker, run once,
    1. install Safari toolbar button.
    2. Authorize against Bookworm service to setup with existing account.
    3. Skip Bookworm integration, and authorize against existing services, or provider username/password for the services you use (as you would on Bookworm anyway)
  2. When you come to a page you want to bookmark in Safari, select text that you want to use as the snippet/description/note, then click the toolbar button or hit the shortcut key to launch TastyMarker
  3. TastyMarker will appear and let you select the services/people from your Apple Address Book/Facebook account (etc) that you want to send the link to.
  4. Add tags, etc.
  5. Hit submit, TastyMarker will upload the bookmark in the background.

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