Like web snapper for bookmarks -- cmd-shift-b in safari (though that currently shows/hides bookmark bar) to create new bookmarks then decide where to send it to... Based on bookworm (+ tarpipe).
- Download TastyMarker, run once,
- install Safari toolbar button.
- Authorize against Bookworm service to setup with existing account.
- Skip Bookworm integration, and authorize against existing services, or provider username/password for the services you use (as you would on Bookworm anyway)
- When you come to a page you want to bookmark in Safari, select text that you want to use as the snippet/description/note, then click the toolbar button or hit the shortcut key to launch TastyMarker
- TastyMarker will appear and let you select the services/people from your Apple Address Book/Facebook account (etc) that you want to send the link to.
- Add tags, etc.
- Hit submit, TastyMarker will upload the bookmark in the background.
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